Ennesima / Umpteenth – An Exhibition of Seven Exhibitions of Italian Art

Ennesima / Umpteenth - An Exhibition of Seven Exhibitions of Italian Art
Described as an "exhibition of exhibitions", Ennesima/Umpteenth will bring decades of art and compress seven exhibitions into one.

An exhibition of exhibitions

The Triennale presents Ennesima / Umpteenth. An exhibition of seven exhibitions of Italian art , curated by Vincenzo de Bellis: an “exhibition of exhibitions” which will gather more than one hundred and twenty works of over seventy artists – with an exhibit that will extend over the entire first floor of the Triennale – You can read the last fifty years of contemporary art in Italy, since the early sixties to the present day.

The title is inspired by a work of Giulio Paolini, Ennesima (notes for the description of seven paintings dated 1973) , the first version, of 1973, it is divided into seven paintings. Hence the number of exhibition projects that comprise the exhibition of the Triennale de Bellis seven autonomous exhibitions, intended as notes or suggestions, trying to explore different aspects, connections, coincidences and discrepancies of the recent story of art history Italian. Seven working hypotheses through which read, reread and tell Italian art through the analysis of some of the possible exhibition formats: the exhibition site-specific installation, the collective subject to collective chronological, from the collective on a specific the collective movement of a medium to the exhibition documentation. Not a single project you are looking at all costs thematic connections or stylistic, chronological or generational, but a platform that tries to suggest the presence of these and other possible formats, to tell a glimpse of the last fifty years of artistic production.

Seven attempts, seven tips, seven possible analysis and interpretations of contemporary Italian art. This way Yet another favors the single view of multiple perspectives that, as such, in their partiality, can be considered a sampling of different approaches of contemporary art. The spaces on the first floor of the Triennale will then divided into seven rooms through which, according to the specified route, the visitor will be led to the discovery of the seven exhibitions, so that they can be perceived as independent and self-sufficient but also as part of a broader that includes all. An itinerary in stages that will trace periods, climates and movements, combining the acknowledged masters and historic personalities to mid-career artists who have made ​​their debut in the nineties and early millennium, through others who are established in the mid-twenty-first century To conclude with a large presence of artists of recent generations.

From this nature “plural,” the project is designed as a composite system fresco contemporary Italian in its different specificity. The idea of bringing together the exhibition all areas of research operated on Italian art of the last fifty years, Yet another program will also include a public screening of videos, performances, lectures and talks related to the themes of the exhibition, which will involve , among others, also experiences editorial – publishing houses and magazines – which represent one of the most interesting aspects of the Italian art system of the past decade.

Yet another will be accompanied by a publication in seven books published by Mousse Publishing which will reflect the division into seven parts of the show and will be enriched by more than twenty contributions of Italian curators and critics of the latest generations – between thirty and forty-five – in the last years have distinguished themselves both nationally and internationally.

November 26, 2015 – March 6, 2016


Viale Alemagna, 6



Tuesday – Sunday
10:30 to 20:30

10:30 to 11:00 p.m.



€ 8 (full price), € 6.50 (reduced agreed price) or € 5,00 (reduced group price)


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