The Galleria d’Arte Moderna of Milan (Modern Art Gallery), in collaboration with the Museo Rosso of Barzio (Rosso Museum), dedicates a monographic exhibition to Medardo Rosso (1858-1928) consisting of a significant selection of his sculptural and photographic production. More than thirty years after the last event dedicated by Milan to this sculptor (1979), this exhibition presents itself as an opportunity to get to know and to learn more about an artist of international repute for his personal interpretation of matter, exceptionally modern in his technical and poetic experimentation, but also for his cosmopolitan vocation and his experience in dealing with the avant-garde art of the twentieth century.
Medardo Rosso - Bambino malato, 1903-1904 GAM Milano- Copyright Saporetti Immagini d’Arte
The 15 works of Rosso displayed at GAM are accompanied by a significant selection from the Museo Rosso of Barzio, that participated in curating the exhibition, and by a series of loans from National (the GNAM of Rome, Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Palazzo Pitti of Florence, GAM of Turin, the Galleria Internazionale d’Arte of Venice, the MART of Rovereto) and International (Musée d’Orsay and Musée Rodin of Paris, the Staatliche Kunstammlungen of Dresda, the Art Museum of Winthertur, the Szepmuveszeti Muzeum of Budapest) museums that offer visitors a broader view both of the subjects addressed by the artist and of his interpretative evolution, and, finally, of his competence and passion for photography technique.
- Medardo Rosso- Ruffiana, 1885 circa
Copyright Fondazione BEIC, Milano
Copyright Milano, Civico Archivio Fotografico
A selection of photographic works (contact prints from original plates and original prints) document a fundamental aspect of Rosso’s artistic career. As with other great painters and sculptors between the nineteenth and twentieth century, to display the photographs realized by Rosso next to his sculptural works doesn’t only have a documentary value. Especially starting from the end of the Nineteenth century, for Rosso photography took on the meaning of an autonomous and completed research work, an integrating and irreplaceable part of a never-ending work of capturing a few, essential images which, not by chance, had an equivalent in the continuous reworking of the sculptures he created within the first years of the Twentieth century which characterized the last decades of his career.
- Medardo Rosso – Grande Rieuse, 1903-1904
GAM Milano
Copyright Saporetti Immagini d’Arte
Photography, of which Rosso had a considerable technical knowledge, was an opportunity for the artist to work on matter and light, released at this point from a comparison with truth: Rosso took photographs of his sculptures and of his drawings, to then intervene with toning, enlargements, photos of photos, blocking out, collages, traces of pictorial matter, cuts and abrasions, to the point of accepting the intervention of chance and error. Displayed in his exhibitions next to his sculptures and published, often under the supervision of the author, in books and magazines, the photographs thus obtained must be considered to all effects real works of Rosso, and they hand over to history an artist that has been able to see well beyond his time.
Till 31 May 2015
@ GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna Milano
Via Palestro, 16
Hours: 2:30pm – 7:30pm Mondays, 9:30am – 7:30pm Tues-Sun, 9:30am – 10:30pm Thursdays
Entrance fee: € 12 full fee, € 10 reduced fee