Exhibitions, Events, Exhibitions, Museums/Galleries27 April 2017<27 April 2017 Keith Haring. About art by romeing The exhibition “Escher” at Palazzo Reale in MIlan displays 200 works of the ‘Pop’ Dutch genius.
Events, Exhibitions15 July 2016<15 July 2016 William Klein: The World on its Own by Mike Sebesta The historical Palazzo della Ragione will featuring the ironic and innovative photographic exhibition of William Klein: The World on its Own
Events, Exhibitions11 July 2016<5 February 2017 Escher Exhibition at Palazzo Reale by Mi.mag The exhibition “Escher” at Palazzo Reale in MIlan displays 200 works of the ‘Pop’ Dutch genius.
Events, Exhibitions, Museums/Galleries, Milan Must See24 September 2015<24 September 2015 Palazzo Reale: Da Raffaello A Schiele by Hannah Rose The exhibition “Da Raffaello A Schiele” at Palazzo Reale in MIlan displays 76 works of art from the collection from The Budapest Museum of Fine Arts.
Milan Must See, Events, Exhibitions, Museums/Galleries20 September 2015<3 March 2022 Palazzo della Ragione: history through pictures by Clarissa Frigerio Palazzo della Ragione Fotografia is a prestigious cultural centre, where artists and photographers from all over the world display their most beautiful art works.